Containers are a popular, fast and efficient means to transport goods but the security of these containers require a different approach as they run on a shared host and multiple parties work to deliver a complete solution. The three important things to be managed here are tracking, authenticated opening of doors, safe and secure transportation of door keys to an authorized user.

We offer to make the containers secure by providing a remote unlock feature via SMS only through an authenticated user.



Remote unlock

  • GPS Tracking
  • Unlock on SMS
  • Real Time Alerts
  • Robust structure
  • Keyless
  • Easy to use
  • Secure


Elock: Remote Unlock solutions provides the complete satisfaction to our clients , regarding their goods in transit or at the vehicle boarding or de-boarding locations

Security of Containers is now so easy and reliable

Check out our telematics solutions made specially for E- Remote Unlocking containers


A combination of electronics and mechanics with the GPS hardware makes sure every container is safe and secure.

Our special solutions

  • Unlock via SMS
  • Unlock via Bluetooth (under development)
  • Unlock via RFID (for cars)